Mondaire Jones: Too Radical for the Hudson Valley

Mondaire Jones: "We Need to Defund the Police"

Mondaire Jones supports 'defunding the police', New York's dangerous cashless bail law, and mass release of dangerous criminals from our prisons.

Mondaire Jones: Self-Described Socialist

Mondaire Jones claims to be a pragmatist, but the record shows he was one of the most far-left-wing members of congress and was one of the worst members of congress when it came to working across the aisle with Republicans.

Mondaire Jones: Border Patrol Is Inflicting "Unfathomable Cruelty"

Mondaire Jones’ extreme policies have helped cause the immigration crisis. Jones supports open borders, he supports giving welfare benefits to migrants and his support for making New York a sanctuary city and sanctuary state have led to migrants being bused to local communities in the Hudson Valley.

Help Stop Radical Mondaire

It's time for you to STEP UP and STOP Radical Mondaire Jones!

If he gets to congress, Radical Mondaire has promised to:

❌ Defund the police
❌ Empty our prisons
❌ Vote with Socialists
❌ Open our borders

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